poem:beautiful warrior
You are the archer,
I am the arrow
Formed by His hands but then
Born into yours. How blessed!
My childhood nestled in your quiver,
Secure—like the beloved that
Rests between His shoulders.
And you held, you sang, and I grew
In your hands, His hands.
Thankful to be held by such a beautiful
Warrior: prayerful and bold
In your love you never failed.
His salvation the shield—
Your arms gentle and strong for the task;
Many battles you fought to protect
Your fortress: a family built on Truth.
Selfless nurture and faithful instruction
Whittled and shaped me; removed
The splinters. He must have healed
Your broken skin as you continued.
Strong-will carved into character—
Like iron sharpened by iron, my arrowhead
Heart was polished and refined.
Trusting communion with the Target, you
Pulled back the bow and took aim
You let go—And now solo
I soar through the air, beyond you.
My life a display of strength,
Grace and the work
Of your hands, His hands.
I am the heritage,
You are my mother.
~rjr 2/25/04
References: Psalm 127:3-5,
Deuteronomy 33:12 and Proverbs 31:17, 26, 28