Wednesday, August 23, 2006

life update: back to school

For those of you who might not know, there have been some major decisions in my life over the past three months. I've technically been on summer vacation, but my mind's been kept busy, that's for sure. On Monday, August 28th, I head back to school. But not as a a student!

I will be attending Regent University's DC campus as a full-time grad student in their School of Divinity . I'm currently on track for getting a Masters of Divinity in Spring 2009, however, this could change. (I just figured I'd apply for the biggest degree and I can always scale back if need be. :)

My classes for this upcoming semester are Church & Ministry, Church History & Renewal, Biblical Methods of Discipleship, and Spiritual Formation I. When I look over the syllabi and flip through my required reading, I still have trouble believing this is what I get to study. It's all stuff that I love! :)

Here's a photo of the Alexandria campus:

I can't see the entire path, but I feel like God's given me just enough light for this next step, and I'm very excited about it. The idea of seminary has been on the back burner for a couple years, so it's fun to have it move to the front. The whole application/acceptance process happened very fast, but perhaps if I'd had too much time to think about it I would have let fear paralyze me. I'm learning how thrilling it is to step out in obedience and faith and watch Him provide.

And He has been so faithful in His provision!

I prayed specifically for an additional part-time job, and He brought one to me. On Friday I start working at 2941, a classy restaurant about 10 minutes from my house. The hours and pay are just what I need for this seminary season, so I praise the Lord for answering that prayer.

Thank you, Mom & Dad, Grama & Grampa, family & friends, for your support, prayers, and encouragement. Thank you for investing in me and sharing life with me. This, I suppose, is only the beginning...I will need you throughout this entire process. For you, I am so humbly grateful.


At 7:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Hun,
Long time no see. you look lovely with your new hair do:) So this is a big step doing such a long course but I can see it makes you happy. What will you want to do with it afterwards?forgive my ignorance, but i think you mentioned seminary-which is?(I dont think its going into a convent or becoming a priest or is it?)
Anyway, keep me updated and take care of yourself!

At 5:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations Rebecca. I had no idea you were interested in that. I too would love to enjoy those type of classes. They were my favorites during my undergrad. Sounds great. I am happy for you.



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