Friday, September 01, 2006

funny story: power outage at the GIANT

here in NoVA, we're currently experiencing the effects of Hurricane Ernesto: high winds, rain, and flash flooding. This evening after work I stopped by GIANT to get some groceries. about 5 mins after I entered the store, the power went out! It was so was so dark and so quiet. the cash registers were still working (i suppose they have some kind of generator or another form of back-up), but that was all that worked.

has this ever happened to you?


At 1:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, the power went out when I worked at the Acme (for those of you on the NY trip we may pass it tomorrow... or um... today). Anyway, it was hurricane weather and the power went out and similarly the registers continued to work. But the thing is that the power stayed off for a few days. So we had to come in the next day and put plastic over all the frozen and refrigerated goods so they wouldn't go bad. The whole time the store stayed open. I agree - eerie is a good way to describe it.



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