Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Day

ah, Christmas morning at the Romaneski house. laughter was abundant, and good times were had by all. ths year was especially fun as we got to enjoy Jess's presence (and presents). :) Last year Jon and Jess were on their honeymoon, so we missed them! here are some highlights, as demonstrated through photos.

Jess painted this for my parents. isn't she an amazing artist?

jonathan got a special award, i mean present. on the box was written "fragile" (not really, but it would've been a good touch) and when he opened it up he found a magnificent piece of art. (you'll only appreciate this if you've seen the movie A Christmas Story, which is a Romaneski favorite.)

"Only one thing could pull me away from the warm glow of electric sex in the window..."

Jon and Hayley.

since J&J are moving to Ft. Hood, they got a lot of Texas paraphernalia, including this gift from Dan. this gives new meaning to "taking the bull by the horns."

Dan gave me a yard of bubblegum balls! (he got tired of me stealing from his.)

i got some really awesome and goofy presents this year...i guess it's a reflection of my fun-loving personality?...i'm kind of a big deal, you know. :)

dan dons the goofy hat.

gramps with the goofy hat.

it all was a bit too much for molly. she "lay there like a slug. it was her only defense." (can you name that movie quote?)


At 10:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Jess is very talented! That's awesome!

At 2:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You'll shot your eye out!"


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