Wednesday, June 13, 2007

installment 5: Road Trip, Day Three.

Wednesday, June 6th.

Liz and I left lawrence around 8am (central time) and headed north to visit Ft. Leavenworth (I lived there from 1993-1996). it was a walk down memory lane to see where i spent my 7-9th grade years.

Around 11am we were on I-70 heading west. Winds were dangrously high--about 55mph--so the drive was more tedious and we had to keep the top up all day. We enjoyed Kansas's exciting landscape (wheat, cows, and the occasional tractor) for about 7 hours before we finally crossed over into Colorado.

We arrived at Megan Lake's beautiful apartment in Littleton around 9:30pm, mountain time (two hours behind EST).

Daily Stats:

States visited: Kansas, Kansas, Kansas, and finally COLORADO!

# of hours driving: (including trip to Ft. Leavenworth) about 10

Gas stops: 2

Where we ate: McDonald's for breakfast, Arby's for lunch, Qdoba (awesome Mexican place) for dinner

Rest stops visited: 2

Number of Cokes consumed: 4 (two each)

Saw lots of: wheat fields, prairie dogs, goats

Goals accomplished: fed goats, saw the "biggest prairie dog in the world."

Realizations: Western Kansas is REALLY flat and there's nothing to block the wind, my car is really light-weight, the "biggest prairie dog in the world" isn't real--it's made out of cement (but it still was the highlight of our day).

Aaron and me on his balcony.

Where Liz and I slept.

The Main Post many memories here!

where the Romaneskis lived for three years.

Cannons overlooking the Missouri River.

Patton Jr. High School...many memories here too!

Yay for Colorado (finally!) !!


At 1:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

did u see any of them prairie dog sucking machines?

At 2:00 PM, Blogger rjr said...

ahhh, noooooo! those things exist?! gross.


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