Monday, June 25, 2007

Ridgway with the Kriegshasuers

on saturday morning i left littleton and began a seven-hour drive southwest to a small town called ridgway (half an hour from montrose, an hour from telluride). i went to visit the kriegshausers, good friends from virginia who moved out there in january. the drive out was long but beautiful! here are some photos from the roadtrip:

early on in the trip. notice the "elk crossing" sign. :)

blue mesa lake, the largest in colorado.

it was very desert-y out there...

approaching ridgway.

I blinked and missed the turn onto the one-road of ridgway, so i turned around, kept my eyes WIDE open and finally found the kriegshausers' house. That evening, Kellie, Chris, Michael, Lisa, and I went to Ouary (closest town) for a trip to the hot springs. it was very relaxing. :)

the quaint town of Ouary.

Lisa points out where they'd gone hiking last week.

The HOT SPRINGS!!! the water's temp was about 104 degrees.

Lisa and me at church on Sunday. (Roger gave an excellent sermon.)

This is the lot where the Kriegshausers new house will be. Amazing, isn't it?
kellie, roger, chris, lisa, and michael.

i left sunday around 3pm and made it home around 8:30. i encountered some weird weather on the drive...

i've decided that i LOVE aspen trees. they're so beautiful, especially when the wind's blowing because their leaves sort of "shimmer."
i think this is a ranch...either that or some sort of convent.



At 8:41 PM, Blogger Meg said...

Wow, Rebecca. You never slow down! So fun to see pics of the Kriegshausers. Glad you got to visit them. I love keeping up with you here. Love you. Meg

At 11:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rebecca, Colorado looks amazing. Your photo-taking skills are one in a million. Good to hear you are doing well. We Virginians are jealous of the sites you're seeing. One "goal" down, twenty more to go. See you soon, Rob

At 8:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's nice to read,see and share in your adventures! Keep it up! I'll have to send you my old poem about Aspen trees that I wrote long ago in Idaho.

At 11:55 AM, Blogger stefani said...

wow those pictures are beautiful!

At 12:32 AM, Blogger Rob said...

So great to get your letters, Rebecca -- and see your photos too. William knew right away that the first letter was from you. He spotted the ladybugs and tore into the envelope, saying "This must be from Rebecca!" He loved the triangular stamp on the second letter -- it went right into the stamp collection.

We miss you so much!

Leslie (for the little Egges, too.)


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